Than Quảng Ninh FC

Becoming a Vietnamese Football Fan

Where: Cẩm Phả, Quảng Ninh Province
When: Now and Then

It's really never taken much to get me to the point of aggressive support when it comes to football. From a sudden and intense admiration of Chelsea in the first year of uni (reaching peak intensity as I sat with the opposing Stoke fans, screaming internally with every goal, hoping to escape discovery as the blue traitor that I was), to the eternal, damning hope every World Cup year that this year - THIS year - could be our year... Most televised football matches resulted in my transformation into a snarling, yellow-eyed, football-crazed wolf woman, clambering over the sticky pub table, hissing and spitting obscenities into the ear of anyone who would listen. But since finishing university and moving halfway across the globe, it seemed my football ferocity was doomed to diminish... read on

-Becky Hansell